segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008

The last but not least.

Temporarily, don´t matter.
Cause, the love is only that comes back for the fight.
And I?
I have got nothing, To offer you.

15 comentários:

Mayara Bandeira disse...

Yeah, the love is the only that comes back for the fight...
So... don't you love to do what you do?
Letters? Write?
Whatever... If you want it... I will waiting for you come back to give to us more letters, words and poetry...

Vicky disse...

Do you permissed answer your comentary in french?
If so necessary, i answer en english too, okay?

Mayara Bandeira disse...

The focus is not english?
So... if u want... but I have the permission to answer in spanish too, ok?

Vicky disse...

J' en fermant mien blog
je n'arrête pas avec ma production littéraire.
Beaucoup moins mes pensées...

Vicky disse...

I think that no have the focus, but if you prefer...
We writting only in english...

ps: I need use my french, sorry...

Vicky disse...

je n'ai pas finir de répondre à sien premier commentaire...heheeh

Mayara Bandeira disse...

But you said "I have got nothing, To offer you." ... If you don't stop your creations, u have o lot of things to offer to us...
Aaaand... you also said "the love is only that comes back for the fight."
You go... But you will come back? Right? You love it...

You love it?

Mayara Bandeira disse...

No te preocupas la lengua, hace o que te gusta...

Vicky disse...

So, the reason for a closed my blog not stay related with my love or my creations ...the reason is my blog without succes...cause have three readers, three friends readers...My literature it transformed for literature particular, or/and summous...

"I do not want the lyricism that is not liberating''

Dou you understand?

Mayara Bandeira disse...

we think faster than translate...
that's boring...

Vicky disse...

mien blog est un blog fait faillite et ce la me limite...

Mayara Bandeira disse...

This is not a problem... Really.
You can't private your three readers because u want to be a JK Rowlling... Take it easy...
Don't become a selfish writer... Show us what u do... even if only one, two... three peoples read what you write...
think about it... three is better than nothing.

Mayara Bandeira disse...

limited to nothing is worse than anything

Vicky disse...

tu c'est amusant...
But for me, at this moment, this is the problem(big)...
Tomorow is the new day...

Good Night, Bonne nuit...

cest est tout!
Abientont & Byebye

Mayara Bandeira disse...

Yeah... ok...
You know what you do...
And I... I still waiting for your return...

Good night, buenas noches...